Feb 13, 2008

My inspiration

I have to give credit to the inspiration behind my thoughts, ideas and renewed creativity, my wee sweeties, Kiara and Enya. Kiara in particular is very creative and is producing amazing artwork. She has been exposed to a variety of media from an early age and is allowed to experiment and explore whenever she feels the need. I have used one of her paintings as my banner and I will include her work on these pages as she is my inspiration and i have also used some of her drawings as a basis for toys and jewellery designs. I dedicate my blog to my girls..I love you.

Feb 10, 2008

Polymer clay

This was one of my first adventures into polymer clay. Using a face mould and hand sculpteds leaves etc, I created a 3 dimensional pendant, that I now wear everywhere.

I am very excited about this medium, and I am finally getting my own studio courtesy of my wonderful hubby, so I will be able to experiment so much more.

Feb 8, 2008

Why Wee Sweeties?

Welcome to my wee sweeties.
My husband, Kevin and his family are Irish and can often be heard talking or offering my daughters, "wee sweeties", or small lollies (if your Australian and not understanding the Irish thing). I have two beautiful girls, Kiara (3) and Enya (18 mths), and they share the wee sweeties as well as being wee sweeties, and I design and create all sorts of things for the wee sweeties, so I thought it only appropriate to call my blog, and one day my business, "Wee Sweeties".

This is what I am hoping will happen for me, so that I can share with whomever decides to look. I am attempting to rediscover my creativity and post it here for other people to see and share their thoughts and ideas. I need to find a little confidence and simply put myself out there or I will never accomplish my dreams.

I dabble in the arts, so to speak. My latest venture is in to polymer clay, but I also do bead work, sew, paint and make costumes and toys and bake colourful birthday cakes for my girls. I have just started belly dancing to I am sure beading and costuming for that will start soon. I am a jack of all trades and master of none, I have a Bachelor in Visual Arts (gold and silver smithing), but this is an expensive hobby, so I am using polymer clay and hopefully metal clay at some stage.

I also (almost) have a degree in Early Childhood Education, so why not combine the two, use my children as inspiration (and guinea pigs for ideas) and start creating wee sweet trinkets and tidbits, for kids (and older kids too!!). So this is where i begin.. I will be posting some photos soon of older crafts and I can also be found at Flickr..